The SVN Ant task does not provide a merge command, so the merge command needs to be run from the command line. SVNAnt任务没有提供合并命令,因此需要从命令行运行merge命令。
You can then merge captured files using the command line or Optim Development Studio tools. 然后您可以使用命令行或OptimDevelopmentStudio工具来合并捕获文件。
You can then use the Merge command line utility to merge these files into a new pureQueryXML file. 然后,可利用Merge命令行工具,将这些文件合并到一个新的pureQueryXML文件。
The Resources section of this article contains a link to the product documentation for the Merge command. 在本文的参考资料部分包含介绍Merge命令的产品文档链接。
To do this, you can use the Merge command line utility. 为此,您可使用Merge命令行工具。
Its concept of a conflict is purely textual, arising when two changes to the same base file are near enough to spook the merge command. 其冲突概念纯粹是文本意义上的,当对于同一基本文件的两个更改时间上非常非常接近,从而使合并命令受到干扰时,就会发生冲突。
The MERGE statement allows developers to use one command to perform deterministic inserts, updates, and deletes on a table based on a source table. 根据一个源数据表对另一个数据表进行确定性的插入、更新和删除这样复杂的操作,运用新的MERGE语句,开发者用一条命令就可以完成。